Here's the press release that describes the Council for an Ontario
Information Infrastructure.
   Rory O'Brien, Council Member (Rory O'Brien)

Ontario Ministry of
Economic Development
and Trade

Ministre du
Developpement Economique
et du Commerce

                           News Release

May 28, 1993
Release: Immediate


     QUEENS PARK -- Economic Development and Trade Minister
Frances Lankin announced the appointment of 11 additional members
to the Council for an Ontario Information Infrastructure, which
held its first meeting here today.

"Our mandate is to lead the campaign for an Ontario information
infrastructure under the provincial telecommunications strategy,"
said Chair Jim Coombs.  "On an ongoing basis, we will review
progress in achieving the goals of the strategy and recommend
further action.  We will also provide advice to the government on
telecommunications and information infrastructure and sectoral
concerns.  I'm pleased with these additions to the Council.  The
wealth of knowledge, experience and interest that they bring will
contribute greatly to the Council's efforts."

In a letter to members of the Council, Frances Lankin, Minister of
Economic Development and Trade, said that she is "committed to
seeing the Council play a vital role in advancing the growth of
the infrastructure and the sector, necessary to keep the province
competitive in the information age.

"We expect that the Council will be active in advancing the
telecommunications strategy and the campaign for an Ontario
information infrastructure as an expression of partnership between
business, labour, communities and goverrunent," said Ms. Lankin.

An advisory body to the provincial government, the Council was set
up on the recommendation of the Advisory Committee on a
Telecommunications Strategy for the Province of Ontario.

The first meeting was spent discussing the role of the Council in
advancing Ontario's telecommunications sector and information and
network infrastructure, and reviewing priorities and procedures
for the Telecommunications Sector Framework and the Ontario
Network Infrastructure Program (ONIP).

Vice Chair Sheelagh Whittaker said that she was impressed with the
interest in the strategy and its programs that has been shown by
Ontario business and communities.  "We've had calls from hundreds
of people, all with innovative ideas," she said.

"One of our first priorities will be to speed these proposals
through the review and development process," said Vice Chair Don

The Council's next meeting will be held June 22, 1993.

The Telecommunications Strategy for Ontario is a long-term vision
and action plan for telecommunications in the province over the
next decade.  It deals with telecommunications both as a critical
infrastructure for economic growth and social and cultural
activity and as a key sector of the economy.  The strategy is a
blueprint for action not only by government but by all interested
in telecommunications.


Bios of new members are attached.

     Contact:  Anna Larson Ministry of Economic Development and
               Trade (416) 325-6685



CHAIR: James (Jim) Coombs

     Jim Coombs served as President and Chief Executive Officer of
     Saskatchewan Telecommunications (SaskTel) from 1986 to 1991.

     He started his career at Bell Canada in 1952 and worked in a
     variety of areas in the company.  Jim went to New Brunswick
     Telephone Company (NBTel) in 1976 as Vice President Finance. 
     In 1982 he became Vice President Operations of NBTel.  He is
     currently a Consulting Associate with Deloitte&Touche in

VICE CHAIR: Sheelagh Whittaker

     Sheelagh Whittaker became President and Chief Executive
     Officer of Canadian Satellite Communications Inc. (Cancom) in

     She began her career as a Combines Investigation Officer with
     the Federal Department of Consumer and Corporate Affairs. 
     Ms. Whittaker then worked for Canada Consulting Group where
     she became a Director and Partner.  In 1986 Ms. Whittaker
     went to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation to be the Vice
     President, Planning and Corporate Affairs.  In 1988 she
     joined Cancom as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial

VICE CHAIR: Don Tapscott

     Don Tapscott is Vice-President, Technology, for DMR Group
     Inc. a Canadian based intemational information systems
     consulting firm.

     During the 1970's, Don managed the "office of the future"
     efforts of Bell Nonhem Research.  In 1981, he established,
     Trigon Systems Group which DMR Inc. acquired in 1986.  Don
     then began to head up DMR's Emerging Technologies Consulting
     Group.  In 1992 he co-authered, with Ait Caston, his third
     book entitled "Paradigm Shift: The Promise of Information
     Technology".  Don was Chair of the former Advisory Committee
     on a Telecommunications Strategy for the Province of Ontario.

MEMBER: Andrew K Bjerring

     Andrew K Bjerring, BASC, MASC, PhD, is Director of Computing
     and Communications Services at the University of Westem
     Ontario.  He has been Treasurer of CA'net Networking Inc.
     since 1990, is a member of the CANARIE Steering Committee,
     was chair of the ONet regional network from 1988-91, and is
     currently chair of the Association of Computing Services
     Directors of Ontario Universities.

     During 1989-90 he was a member of NSERC's ad hoc Committee on
     Research Computation and chair of that Conunittee's
     networking subcommittee.  He was a member of the Management
     Board for the Ontario Centre for Large Scale Computation, and
     of the Ministry of Education and Training's recent Advisory
     Conu-nittee on High Performance Computing.  Prior to his
     current appointment, at the University, he spent six years as
     Assistant Vice President (Academic Planning and Budgeting).

MEMBER: Dr. Barbara Cameron

     Dr. Barbara Cameron is Assistant Professor of Political
     Science at Atkinson College in York University.  She holds a
     PhD in Political Science from the University of Toronto.

     She served as Research Director, United Electrical, Radio and
     Machine Workers of Canada from 1987 to 1990.  Dr. Cameron is
     a member of the Management Committee, Technology Adjustment
     Research Projects, Ontario Federation of Labour.  She is also
     a member of the Women's Reference Group, Canadian Labour
     Force Development Board.

MEMBER: Kim Cameron

     Kim Cameron is a co-founder and the Vice President of
     Technology of ZOOMIT Corporation and BCH Information Systems
     Inc. of Toronto.  ZOOMIT Corporation, founded in 1988,
     develops and markets interoperability software based on
     intemational OSI and CCITT Standards.  BCH Information
     Systems was established in 1983 to provide system software
     design, development, integration and implementation services.

     Mr. Cameron's teaching career and research in metaprogramming
     and software economics led to management positions in
     academic computing after which he entered the private sector.

MEMBER: Desmond Cunningham

     Desmond Cunningham, Chairman of Gandalf Technologies Inc.,
     cofounded Gandalf Data Communications Limited in 1971.  Today
     known as Gandalf Technologies Inc, this publicly held
     multinational corporation has subsidiaries in Canada, the
     United States, the United Kingdom, Holland, France, Belgium
     and Australia.

     He is also one of the founders and a past Chairman of the
     Canadian Advanced Technology Association (CATA) and is Past
     President of the Ottawa Section of the Canadian Information
     Processing Society (CIPS).  Mr. Cunningham was awarded an
     honorary doctorate by the University of Ottawa.  He is past
     Chairman of the Ottawa Carleton Research Institute and a
     Board member of the Telecommunication Research Institute of
     Ontario, in addition to holding several directorships in
     private industry.

MEMBER: Douglas Cunningham

     Douglas Cunningham, a Senior Vice-President of BBN James
     Capel Inc., is responsible for analysing the regulated sector
     as well as teleconununications equipment manufacturers.  He
     is also President and controlling shareholder of Dufferin
     Communications Inc.

     Mr. Cunningham has been an investment analyst since 1972 and
     was the top-ranked utilities analyst in surveys of Canadian
     institutions in four of the five years prior to taking a
     corporate finance sabbatical in 1990.  Mr. Cunningham has
     also testified before numerous regulatory tribunals as a
     capital markets witness.  He has HBA and MBA degrees from the
     University of Westem Ontario.

MEMBER: John D. MacDonald

     John D. MacDonald's 34-year career in the information
     technology arena included positions at the VIP level with
     Bell Nonhem Research, Nonhem Telecom Canada Ltd and NT
     Limited.  He retired this past March.

    He has a Bachelor in Science and Education from
     St-Francis-Xavier University and a Bachelor in Engineering
     from the Technical University of Nova Scotia.  He has also a
     Masters in Engineering from Carleton University.  Mr.
     MacDonald served as Session Lecturer at Carleton University,
     and Chairman of both the Chamber of Commerce R&D Committee
     and the University of Waterloo Industrial Advisory Committee. 
     He was also a member of the Boards of the University of
     Waterloo and the Canadian Exporters Association.  Mr.
     MacDonald is member of IEEE, APEO and the Telephone Pioneers
     of America.

MEMBER: Janice M. Moyer

     Janice M. Moyer is president and chief executive officer of
     the Information Technology Association of Canada, the
     country's leading association for the computer and
     telecommunications industry.  Before taking this position in
     1990, she was president of McCormack and Dodge Systems Canada
     Limited.  From 1974 to 1987, she was with IBM danida Limited
     where she undertook a progression of positions at the
     company, including executive assistant to the Chairman of the
     Board and manager of IBM's largest branch office.

     Ms. Moyer is a graduate of McMaster University.  She has
     contributed numerous articles and presentations to
     organisations on the role and importance of information

MEMBER: Rory O'Brien

     Rory O'Brien is Web Programme Coordinator at Nirv Community
     Resource Centre in Toronto.  For the past five years he has
     been responsible for strategic planning for system growth and
     development, marketing and promotion, and project management
     for this nonprofit computer network.

     He holds a B.A Communications from Simon Fraser University,
     and a Masters in Environmental Studies from York University. 
     Mr. O'Brien has served as Chair of the Electronic Networking
     Advisory Group of the Premier's Council on Health, Well-being
     and Social Justice, and was a member of the Quality of Life
     Subcommittee of the Advisory Committee on a
     Telecommunications Strategy for Ontario.  He is also the
     current past president of the Social Investment Organization.

MEMBER: Fred Pomeroy

     Fred Pomeroy is Executive Vice President of the
     Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union of Canada
     (CEP).  Prior to being elected to that position in November
     of 1992 he was president of the Communications and Electrical
     Workers of Canada for eight years and president of the
     Communications Workers of Canada for twelve years.  From
     January of 1970 to April of 1972 he was a National
     Representative for the Canadian Communications Workers

     Mr. Pomeroy is also a member of such organisations as the
     Canadian Labour Market and Productivity Centre, the
     Telecommunications and Computer Services SAGIT, the Ontario
     Premier's Council on Economic Renewal and he is a member of
     the Board and Executive Conunittee of the Public Policy

MEMBER: Kirk Reiser

     Kirk Reiser has been at the University of Westem Ontario for
     the past ten years as the manager of the Computer Braille
     Facility.  During that time, he has developed a computer
     based translator for braille book production.  Mr. Reiser is
     a partner in a London company, Intelligent Access Microware,
     dedicated to producing, servicing and selling access
     technology for persons with visual impairments.  He provides
     advice and consultation on technical accommodation to people
     with disabilities throughout Ontario.

     He has also been active on many committees such as the CNIB
     Advisory board on technology.  Before coming to U.W.O., Mr.
     Reiser worked at the National Aeronautic and Space
     Administration's Lewis Research Centre.

MEMBER: Hardet Velazquez

     Harriet Velazquez has had a varied career in the information
     technology field.  She is currently Vice-President,
     Information Technology at Thomson Newspapers Corporation. 
     Before that she was Executive Director, Information
     Technology at the Ontario Ministry of Consumer and Commercial
     Relations.  She has also had senior marketing and sales
     positions at Southam Business Communications and GEAC
     Computers Corporation.

          Garth Graham          
      <<< NGL/CANIS (Community Access Network Information Services) >>>
          Box 86, Ashton, Ont., K0A 1B0                613-253-3497