Babsie Bunny
Hey, this is a poem that i just wrote, i hope u like it..

The dumb cows lie,
In puddles of their own blood,
As the flies swarm over,
The sticky blood.

The flowers are rotting,
But there they still stand,
On the table; in a vase,
Which is much too grand.

A lonely child,
Hides under the sheets,
Scared of the night,
Full of darkness and creeks.

I'm trapped in a place,
Where the sky is so blue,
And in the clear sky,
Blow songs of the new.

I am the flowers,
I am the flies,
I am the child,
And I am afraid to cry.

Mud plastered to my hands,
I crawl into a hole,
The only place where,
The shadows stole.

Asleep I fall, 
Into a place,
Where I dont need to worry, 
About it showing my face.