Date: Monday, June 3, 1996  7:49pm                              Forum: Poetry
From: PlAsTiC GiRl                                               Msg#: 632281
  To: ** ALL **                                                              
                                                                    (1 reply)

you left me here,
with the broken words,
that circle around me,
ever since you left me alone.

your shirt i wrap around me,
and hold it close to my heart,
but the air is so cold,
that it left my skin numb,
and now i cant feel the softness,
of your skin that i remembered.

the sent of you,
has left me aching,
withthe need for the touch,
and the words,
that you once said,
and the clouds drift by,
in purple mist,
and the carry the pictures,
of your stories,
that you used to tell me,
about how it would be.

the birds dont sing anymore,
because they can feel your absence,
and they know that with out you,
there is no use in singing,
and the trees do not sway,
in the wind,
or through my hair,
as it did before you flew away.

I'm not gonna wait,
for you to return,
so I will follow you,
where I know i am needed,
and the bloodied knife,
is the door,
in which our worlds,
are joined.