 BBS: Night Line BBS
Date: 09-20-96 (03:51)             Number: 55
From: PANTHER                      Refer#: NONE
  To: ALL                           Recvd: NO  
Subj: POETRY                         Conf: (101) Poetry

    Growing, throbbing
like a curse
pain creeps inside
and it's getting worse

    Pain rips and tears
my heart and soul
now in my chest
there is a hole

    Feelings once
were there and strong
but with my heart
they now are gone

    My heart was stolen
by the one I loved
my love was golden
but now is dust

    I cannot feel
what once I could
my heart is steel
no longer good

    PAIN, It lurks
inside of me
what once was love
is misery

    Pain gropes my soul
up to my throat
pain consumes me
there is no hope

    My heart is blackened
like a thing of death
my heart is dead
