If You Were

My girl, you inspire me whenever I think of you
If you were a liquid, how deeply I'd drink of you
If you were a gaseous form, I'd inhale your essense
If you were my birthday, I wouldn't need presents

I swear to you, none of this here is mere flattery
If you were electric, I'd be your batteries
If you were a song, I'd sing you forever
If you were a trapdoor, I'd pull your lever

I know I'm a dope, but I hope that you trust me
If you were a vacuum, I'd make myself dusty
If you were a record, I'd lay in your grooves
If you were a bandage, I'd get me a bruise

I've fallen for you and I don't want to get up
If you were my hat I'd always keep my head up
If you were a criminal I'd be your accomplice
If you were the wind I would be Pocahontas

If you were a book, I would be your story
If you were a shark, I would be a remoray
If you were a tape deck, I'd be your cassette
If you were a drive I would be a diskette

If you were my child I would be your curfew
If you were a boat, I would be your whole crew
If you were a downpour, I'd sing in the rain
If you were my head I'd get inside my brain

I still don't even know if I know you so well
But if you were the devil I'd see you in hell
If you were Jesus, I'd be your apostle
If you were the Bible I'd make known your Gospel

I hope you can see that I'm telling the truth
If you were a Slugger, I would be Babe Ruth
If you were Pel‚, I would be your soccer ball
If you were a room, I'd be across the hall

If you weren't yourself
I'd be my dismay
You're none of these things
And I like you this way