Full Sail: Power User Tips

Sending and Receiving Attachments with Pine

Norman L. De Forest
Beacon Correspondent


          Remember our little alien invader in the Beacon article, "Sending Email With Lynx"? He's back. Let's take a peek into his diary where he describes how he

          Notes, References, Footnotes, and Disclaimers are available at no extra cost.

November 8, 1999.

Dear Diary:

          Well, here am I back on this Egg-forsaken planet again. Supreme Headquarters wouldn't accept our recommendation that this planet be avoided and have ordered us to return and find some wedge to use to conquer these beings. They have assigned us a Team Leader that is totally out of touch with reality concerning these beings. One of the few good things here is the variety of arts developed. Lately, one of my favourite daydreams involves my having the Team Leader's eyestalks in one hand and a book about something called "macrame" in another.

          One difficulty in investigating this planet is caused by the fact that although they don't appear to have any organised plans for keeping information away from outside aliens, they seem to have a multitude of organisations devoted to keep information away from each other! And I have found out about one such organisation that is apparently investigating us. Fortunately, I was able to obtain decoding information for their secret messages to send to Invasion Headquarters. The procedure was fairly simple:

          First I downloaded the file to my own home directory where it would be accessible to pine. I then composed the message to include with the decoder, addressing it to Invasion Headquarters:

  PINE 3.95.iB1.0   COMPOSE MESSAGE             Folder: INBOX    0 Messages

To      : Invasion Force Headquarters <ifh@ifh.if>
Cc      :
Subject : A decoder for intercepted secret Lumber Cartel messages.
----- Message Text -----

Although I have not received any response from Norman De Forest, I have
investigated his web site and have found some information that may have
a bearing on our invasion plans.  A link on his site refers visitors to
"http://come.to/the.lumber.cartel".  Investigation shows that this "Lumber
Cartel" is currently operating a project to intercept and decode interstellar
communications which may pose a threat to the secrecy of our invasion:
Fortunately, I have been able to download from one of Norman's pages,
"http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~af380/Tips.html#lc13" a key to the encryption
code used by the Lumber Cartel.  I am including it as an attachment.
Namron Tserof Ed             -------            083fa@chebucto.ns.ca
  To err is human. Really fouling things up requires an Arcturian!

^G Get Help  ^X Send      ^R Read File ^Y Prev Pg   ^K Cut Text  ^O Postpone
^C Cancel    ^J Justify   ^W Where is  ^V Next Pg   ^U UnCut Text^T To Spell

          Then I moved the cursor to the header area and selected the line that read Attchmnt: and the menu at the bottom of the screen changed:

^G Get Help  ^X Send      ^R Rich Hdr  ^Y PrvPg/Top ^K Cut Line  ^O Postpone
^C Cancel    ^D Del Char  ^J Attach    ^V NxtPg/End ^U UnDel Line

          I pressed Control-J for Attach and was prompted with this:

File to attach:
^G Get Help  ^T To Files
^C Cancel

          I could have typed in the name of the file to attach but it is a lot less error-prone to select the file from a menu so I pressed Control-T for To Files instead. For a moment I was notified the system was busy sorting the file names:

               [ Building file list of /csuite/home/fa/083fa... ]
^G Get Help  ^T To Files
^C Cancel

          ... and then I got a list of the files available:

   PINE 3.95.iB1.0    BROWSER    Dir: /csuite/home/fa/083fa

mail                                        (dir)
Mail                                        (dir)
News                                        (dir)
public_html                                 (dir)
alien_links.html                              903
AltaVista-search-biowarfare.html             2.9K
comsat.txt                                   146K
invasion_links.html                           133
lynx_bookmarks.html                         12.6K
rot13.zip                                    1.6K
UFO_links.html                              15.3K
x-welcome.html                                736

? Get Help   E Exit Brwsr              -   Prev Pg  D Delete     C Copy
             S [Select]   W Where is   Spc Next Pg  R Rename

          I selected the file, rot13.zip with the down-arrow key. (I could also have used 'w' (whereis) and typed part of the name and pressed ENTER to get to the file.) I then pressed ENTER with the file selected. I was then prompted to provide a description for the file:

Attachment comment:
^G Get Help
^C Cancel

          I typed in the description:

Attachment comment: Lumber Cartel decoder
^G Get Help
^C Cancel

          When I pressed ENTER at the end of the description, the file was now shown as attached to my message. Had I wanted to send more than one file, I could have repeated the process as often as necessary.

  PINE 3.95.iB1.0   COMPOSE MESSAGE             Folder: INBOX    0 Messages

To      : Invasion Force Headquarters <ifh.if>
Cc      :
Attchmnt: 1. /csuite/home/fa/083fa/rot13.zip (1.6 KB) "Lumber Cartel decoder"
Subject : A decoder for intercepted secret Lumber Cartel messages.
----- Message Text -----

Although I have not received any response from Norman De Forest, I have
investigated his web site and have found some information that may have
a bearing on our invasion plans.  A link on his site refers visitors to
"http://come.to/the.lumber.cartel".  Investigation shows that this "Lumber
Cartel" is currently operating a project to intercept and decode interstellar
communications which may pose a threat to the secrecy of our invasion:
Fortunately, I have been able to download from one of Norman's pages,
"http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~af380/Tips.html#lc13" a key to the encryption
code used by the Lumber Cartel.  I am including it as an attachment.
Namron Tserof Ed             -------            083fa@chebucto.ns.ca
  To err is human. Really fouling things up requires an Arcturian!
    [File /csuite/home/fa/083fa/rot13.zip attached as type APPLICATION/ZIP]
^G Get Help  ^X Send      ^R Rich Hdr  ^Y PrvPg/Top ^K Cut Line  ^O Postpone
^C Cancel    ^D Del Char  ^J Attach    ^V NxtPg/End ^U UnDel Line^T To Files

          I now pressed Control-X to indicate I was finished editing and attaching...

Send message?
              Y [Yes]
^C Cancel     N No

          ...and pressed 'y' to send the message. (I could have also pressed ENTER.) The message with the attachment was then on its way to Invasion Headquarters.

November 9, 1999.

Dear Diary:

          I fouled up. I saved a message from Invasion Headquarters to read later and didn't notice that it had some attachments until after I had downloaded it and deleted it from my mail directory. Fortunately I had already downloaded the free utility package uudvd05d.zip that includes the UUDEVIEW.EXE programme that can extract these attachments so I didn't have to upload the file back to my mail directory to extract the attachments. First I made sure that I was in the right directory where I had downloaded the message:


 Volume in drive C is DISK1_VOL1     Serial number is 0021:7D62
 Directory of  C:\INVADER\DOWNLOAD\NOV99\*.*

.            <DIR>     11-09-99   1:18
..           <DIR>     11-09-99   1:18
SAV-MESS.N22   157182  11-09-99   1:44
        157,182 bytes in 1 file and 2 dirs    163,840 bytes allocated
      6,930,432 bytes free

          Then I executed the command "uudeview sav-mess.n22" to extract the attachments. Each time the programme prompted me with "[d] (?=help)" I just pressed the ENTER key to accept the default of decoding the attachment with the original name:

C:\INVADER\DOWNLOAD\NOV99>uudeview sav-mess.n22
Loaded from sav-mess.n22: 'Picture' (Picture): 11220006.jpg part 1 Base64
Loaded from sav-mess.n22: 'Picture' (Picture): 11220007.jpg part 1 Base64
Loaded from sav-mess.n22: 'Picture' (Picture): 11220008.jpg part 1 Base64

Found '11220006.jpg' State 16 Base64 Parts 1 OK
Found '11220007.jpg' State 16 Base64 Parts 1 OK
Found '11220008.jpg' State 16 Base64 Parts 1 OK

  -rw-r--r-- 11220006.jpg    is OK   [d] (?=help)
    File successfully written to C:\INVADER\DOWNLOAD\NOV99\11220006.jpg
  -rw-r--r-- 11220007.jpg    is OK   [d] (?=help)
    File successfully written to C:\INVADER\DOWNLOAD\NOV99\11220007.jpg
  -rw-r--r-- 11220008.jpg    is OK   [d] (?=help)
    File successfully written to C:\INVADER\DOWNLOAD\NOV99\11220008.jpg
3 files decoded from 1 input file, 0 failed


          A directory listing showed the attachments neatly extracted:


 Volume in drive C is DISK1_VOL1     Serial number is 0021:7D62
 Directory of  C:\INVADER\DOWNLOAD\NOV99\*.*

.            <DIR>     11-09-99   1:18
..           <DIR>     11-09-99   1:18
11220006.JPG    29198  11-09-99   1:21
11220007.JPG    35891  11-09-99   1:21
11220008.JPG    35363  11-09-99   1:21
SAV-MESS.N22   157182  11-09-99   1:44
        257,634 bytes in 4 files and 2 dirs    294,912 bytes allocated
      6,766,592 bytes free


          If the attachment had a name that was not allowed on this system or if I had preferred another name, I could have pressed 'r' for "rename" instead of ENTER or 'd' and given another name to use:

  -rw-r--r-- 111.22.6.jpg    is OK   [d] (?=help) r
Enter new filename: 111226.jpg
  -rw-r--r-- 111226.jpg      is OK   [d] (?=help)
    File successfully written to C:\INVADER\DOWNLOAD\NOV99\111226.jpg

          If I had tried to extract the files with other files of the same name already existing, UUDEVIEW would have asked if I wanted to overwrite the existing files or rename the attachment:

  -rw-r--r-- 11220006.jpg    is OK   [d] (?=help)
*** Target File C:\NORM\COMM\IN\AUG99\11220006.jpg exists!
*** (O)verwrite, Overwrite (A)ll, (R)ename, (N)ext, (P)ath [o] r
Enter new filename: 12206.jpg
    File successfully written to C:\INVADER\DOWNLOAD\NOV99\12206.jpg

November 10, 1999.

Dear Diary:

          The PHBs back at Invasion Force Headquarters have dumped more work on me. I checked my email today and found this waiting for me:

  PINE 3.95.iB1.0   FOLDER INDEX     Folder: INBOX  Message     1 of  45 NEW

->N    1 Nov  9 Linda19@visualand.    (793) "MAKE MONEY NOW" : Internet Ma
  N    2 Nov  9 D. Barron             (759) Increase Your Sales With An Onlin
+ N    3 Nov  9 GetBuzy Internatio  (2,396) Six Figure Income! (GetBuzy Targe
  N    4 Nov  9 jeffro80@hotmail.c (25,395) READ INSIDE to make $$$ FAST!!!!!
  N    5 Nov  9 John Calder        (18,288) MONEY MONEY MONEY
  N    6 Nov 10 ALEX@ALLTOP.CHIAYI (16,201) Sounds, Good and it really work
  N    7 Nov  9 Sweepstakes People  (3,027) New Sweepstakes on SupportHelp.co
  N    8 Nov  9 i9cvpr6             (4,391) This is your lucky day!!
  N    9 Nov  9 oppurtunity        (17,294) Turn $7 dollars into thousands
+ N   10 Nov  9 freexxx12@aol.com     (929) Must be 18!  Free xxx inclosed!
+ N   12 Nov  9 zak box               (842) ref: Hot Nude Pix!!
  N   13 Nov  9 QuickEcom          (14,297) FREE! Earn $5000 in 28 days
  N   14 Nov  9 Jose Pacheco        (9,639) EARN $100,000 PER YEAR SENDING E-
  N   15 Nov  9 idjdjdi@lytxawqmyc (28,182) HOW TO Turn your Computer into a
  N   16 Nov 10 wmarket@allergist.    (938) Adv: Get Your Viagra Here (47200)
+ N   17 Nov  9 E-mail Lottery Win  (3,492) CONGRATULATIONS - - - You can win
  N   18 Nov 10 girls@russianbeaut    (941) ADV ADLT:
+ N   19 Nov 10 Redaktion Telekom   (2,720) Willkommen bei Telekom Presse

? Help       M Main Menu  P PrevMsg     - PrevPage    D Delete      R Reply
O OTHER CMDS V [ViewMsg]  N NextMsg   Spc NextPage    U Undelete    F Forward

          What a load of junk! I almost missed the message from Headquarters which was in the next screenful of messages:

  PINE 3.95.iB1.0   FOLDER INDEX    Folder: INBOX  Message    37 of    45 NEW

  N   20 Nov  9 adulttoys@web.com     (793) ADV ADLT: FREE SEXTOYS
  N   21 Nov  9 WELCOME               (759) Invitation
+ N   22 Nov  9 BARMSTRONG@United. (10,108) Make extra CHRISTMAS money for $5
  N   23 Nov  9 promote@newsclient  (2,301) We need Home Workers!
  N   24 Nov 10 Press Release       (7,286) Looking for Real Estate in Texas?
  N   25 Nov 10 Mike Petragallo     (1,305) Re: Info you requested
  N   26 Nov  9 newsletter@biztalk  (7,215) {ADV: The Stocktech Express}
  N   27 Nov 10 Money maker        (11,169) Start making money from the WEB
  N   28 Nov 10 Sumatra Love          (892) Asian Indian Beauty!!!
  N   29 Nov 10 Jose Pacheco        (2,310) 57 Million Email Addresses - ONLY
  N   30 Nov 10 HalloweenGreets@ao    (788) A friend has sent you a Online po
  N   31 Nov 10 *!Passwords!*         (812) Find SEX, when Yahoo is not enoug
+ N   32 Nov  9 Microsoft           (2,624) Important Year 2000 Information
  N   33 Nov 10 cashmaker@freeloca  (4,205) THIS BANNER PAYS YOU CASH!!
  N   34 Nov 10 Jose Pacheco        (6,281) BULK MAILING/EMAILING LISTS/WEB
  N   35 Nov 10 t2i3@boom.com       (1,171) 3 Days 2 Nights Tickets for Two
  N   36 Nov 10 E-mail Marketing      (836) earn money sending e-mail
->N   37 Nov 10 Invasion Force Hea   (488K) File to examine
+ N   38 Nov 10 webmaster@adultpas    (759) adultpass.com - 75% Recurring Com

? Help       M Main Menu  P PrevMsg     - PrevPage    D Delete      R Reply
O OTHER CMDS V [ViewMsg]  N NextMsg   Spc NextPage    U Undelete    F Forward

          I read the message. More stupid work for me!

  PINE 3.95.iB1.0   MESSAGE TEXT Folder: INBOX  Message   37 of  45 65% NEW

Date: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 19:20:41 -0400 (AST)
From: Invasion Force Headquarters <ifh@ifh.if>
To: "Namron Tserof Ed" <083fa@chebucto.ns.ca>
Subject: File to examine
   1 Shown    25 lines  Text
   2         365 Kb     Application, "Bio-Warfare File"

The attached file was found on the Internet and is suspected to have 
important information on the biological warfare capabilities of the 
Earthlings.  Since you are the only one with a compatible computer 
system, you are hereby ordered to execute this file to find out what 
information it contains.

You are to submit your report by tomorrow evening.  The success of the
invasion mission could be jeopardized if measures are not taken to
counter all possible threats that could be directed against our eventual

? Help       M Main Menu  P PrevMsg     - PrevPage    D Delete      R Reply
O OTHER CMDS V ViewAttch  N NextMsg   Spc NextPage    U Undelete    F Forward

          I pressed 'v' for View Attachment and selected the attachment:

  PINE 3.95.iB1.0   ATTACHMENT INDEX Folder: INBOX  Message   37 of  45 NEW

   1     25 lines   Text/PLAIN
-> 2    365 Kb      Application/OCTET-STREAM (Name: "biowar.exe"), "Bio-Warfar

          Pine's menu read:

? Help       E Exit Index P PrevAttch   - PrevPage    A AboutAttch
             V [View]     N NextAttch Spc NextPage    S Save        W WhereIs

          I pressed 's' for "Save" and got this menu:

Copy attachment to file in home directory: biowar.exe
^G Help      ^T To Files
^C Cancel   Ret Accept

          I pressed ENTER to accept the default name, "biowar.exe" and briefly saw this message:

           [Saving to "/csuite/home/fa/083fa/biowar.exe" |         |]

... immediately followed by:

         [Part 2, 486Kb written to "/csuite/home/fa/083fa/biowar2.exe"]

          I then was able to exit the view menu with 'e', exit pine with 'qy' and use the 'gfiles' shortcut to go to my home directory and download the file.

          That wasn't so hard. I now logged off my account and am now about to run this stupid program that Invasion Headquarters sent to me.


          Hmmm! Nothing is happening on the screen but the disk drive seems rather busy. I'll wait a few minutes.

[Time goes by.]

          The disk activity has stopped but nothing else seems to be happening. I'll try pressing ESC. Still nothing. Control-C? No. Control-Break? No response there either. How about Ctrl-Alt-Delete? Even that does nothing. OK, I'll turn off the computer and then turn it back on. What's this?

C: drive error
Insert BOOT diskette in A:
Press any key when ready _


          To spare your sensibilities, we now take leave of our frustrated little alien. Unfortunately, it seems that he forgot one thing. Always check downloaded files for viruses or trojan-horses with a good anti-virus scanner before doing anything with them if you don't know for certain that they are plain text files. Even files from someone you know could be infected. This includes all program files and any document that may contain macros. Note that the file name is not always a sure indicator. I have seen an alleged *.rtf file that was really an infected Microsoft Word document (it contained the W97M/Wazzu.A macro-virus) with the wrong file extension on it. It was downloaded from a Microsoft web site.

Notes, References, Footnotes, and Disclaimers

One final note:

          For those of you who are not familiar with the publishing usage of the words "by" and "with", in the earlier Beacon article, "Error 404: That Page Is Still On Break" or "Who's Home When The Web Page Isn't" by Norman L. De Forest Beacon Correspondent with Andrew D. Wright, the word "with" really means "by" and the word "by" really means "with information supplied by". In other words, I sent some URLs and quotes to Andrew and he did all of the work writing that article.


You may direct comments or suggestions about this column to:

Norman L. De Forest,  af380@chebucto.ns.ca


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