The Chebucto Community NetVolunteer of the Month!
Michael Smith
One of the hardest working people on CCN, Michael Smith is a programming wunderkind responsible for IP-FTP, beta-tin, the installation disks for Chebucto Plus, and is active on all the mailing lists associated with each of these as well as the day to day concerns of CCN-Tech. Putting in several hours each day on Chebucto-related activities, Michael Smith has been the driving force behind many recent system innovations including the development of many administration tools not visible to the general public. An early CCN account-holder (aa529), Michael Smith was also a columnist for the former CCN newsletter Connections, where his Power User columns continue to educate users to this day. A man of many interests and abilities, and possessing a wicked sense of humor, Michael Smith's best days are, incredibly, still ahead of him and should be something to see.
The Chebucto Community Net Volunteer of the Month page is accepting nominees. Do you know of someone who has gone the extra mile on behalf of CCN? Is there someone on your committee who keeps giving their all without any notice or fanfare? Show them their efforts are appreciated: send an email telling us what it is they have done or are doing.
You may send your nominations or suggestions about this page to: Andrew D. Wright,
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