Chebucto Community
Chebucto Sub-Domain Names
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Serving Your Community's Online Needs Since 1994.
Custom Web Names for Less Money
Chebucto Community Net now offers several new shorter, cheaper custom web addresses
to our users. A Chebucto Sub-Domain Name
looks like a regular Virtual Domain Name, but needs no
internet registrar or registrar fees and can be set up quickly. Usage
policy for these names can be found here.
Non-profit groups and organizations with a Chebucto Non-Profit
Neighbourhood Account can get the website address name.chebucto.org, where name would be replaced by the
organization or group name. Email aliases for the sub-domain name would be
available to the group. Annual fee of $20 for the sub-domain name, $10 per
email alias. If your organization qualifies for a Non-Profit Neighbourhood
account fee waiver, the sub-domain name fee can also be waived.
For example, the fictitious Non-Profit Neighbourhood account
Toys for Tots
could have the website address
http://toys.chebucto.org instead of
http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/CommunitySupport/ToysForTots/. The Toys
for Tots President could have the email alias
president@toys.chebucto.org and this would redirect mail to her
Sympatico account mailbox. Next year the President changes and this email
alias could be changed to point to the new President's AOL account
mailbox, and so on.
For-profit small businesses and organizations with a Chebucto For-Profit
Neighbourhood Account can get the website address name.chebucto.biz, where name would be replaced by the business or
group name. Email aliases for the sub-domain name would be available to
the business. Annual fee of $20 for the sub-domain name, $10 per email alias.
For example, the fictitious For-Profit Neighbourhood account Acme
Widgets could have the website address
http://widgets.chebucto.biz instead of
http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Business/AcmeWidgets/. The Acme Widgets
President could have the email address
president@widgets.chebucto.biz sending mail to his Primus account
mailbox. The Acme Widgets warehouse manager could have the email alias
warehouse@widgets.chebucto.biz and point it to her Yahoo account,
and so on.
Individuals can have the website address name.chebucto.net, where name would be replaced by a family name.
Email aliases for registered sub-domain names are also available and can
be directed to any real email account. Annual fee of $20 for the
sub-domain name and $10 for each email alias.
For example, Chebucto user Fred Familyname could have the web address
http://familyname.chebucto.net for his Chebucto website and could
have the email address fred@familyname.chebucto.net which would
direct mail to his real mail account (which need not be a Chebucto mail
account). Fred Familyname could move to Vancouver and his email address need
not change - the fred@familyname.chebucto.net address could be set to point
to his new real email address in Vancouver. Fred's sister Freda Familyname
could get the email alias freda@familyname.chebucto.net and point it to her
HotMail account, and so on.
Chebucto information resources can have the sub-domain website address
name.chebucto.info, where
name would be replaced by the
information resource name. Email aliases for the sub-domain name would be
available to the information resource persons. Annual fee of $20 for the
sub-domain name, $10 per email alias.
For example, the fictitious Chebucto information resource Platypus
Care Guide could have the website address
http://platypus.chebucto.info instead of
http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Health/PlatypusCareGuide/. The fur editor
could have the email address fur@platypus.chebucto.info and point
it to her Chebucto text account mailbox. She might also be the platypus
bill editor and could set up the email alias
bill@platypus.chebucto.info to go to the same email address, and so on.
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